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The Bed Skirt: What is It, and Why do You Need It?

Posted by Legacy Decor

The Bed Skirt: What is It, and Why do You Need It?

Are you looking for simple ways to make your bed more interesting? The answer to that problem could be a simple bedding piece―a bed skirt. It is affordable, and it comes in different colors and styles, depending on what look you want to achieve. This article will tell you more about bed skirts, the benefits they can provide, and some buying guidelines.

What Is a Bed Skirt?

The bed skirt is the stylish extra layer of textile you find at the bottom of your bed, usually found between the mattress and the floor. The decorative piece hides the side of the box spring, the bed's legs, and the space underneath it.

People do not know that bed skirts were used as a dust ruffle or a bedding piece to keep dust from collecting under the bed. This was their primary purpose.

Purpose of Bed Skirt Today

Gone are the days when bed skirts were just dust ruffles. Cleaning up dust is easy now, thanks to home equipment. Most mattresses today also do not require the use of a box spring where the bed skirt is usually placed. But there is no right or wrong when it comes to decorating your bed. You could choose to add bed skirts anyway to add a little flavor to your room.

The Importance of Having Bed Skirts: 5 Main Benefits

Although bed skirts are no longer considered necessary in every household, they still provide the following benefits:

  1. They make your bed look sophisticated and elegant. Bed skirts are an excellent addition if you want to highlight your bed.
  2. They effectively trap the dust and dirt and keep them from entering the space under the bed. If you cannot stay anywhere too dirty, using a bed skirt could eliminate the excessive dust that remains under the bed.
  3. Since they are an added layer in your beddings, they provide extra warmth and comfort that make the cold climate tolerable.
  4. A bed skirt would not cost you much. You can buy a couple of bed skirts for your bedroom and switch them out every now and then.
  5. They are easy to remove from the bed. Moreover, they are easy to clean. Simply pop it inside the washing machine, and you are good to go.

Other Important Things to Know When Buying a Bed Skirt

  • You should know your bed’s size first to avoid the inconvenience of buying the wrong size. Bed skirts are not adjustable bed skirts, so they are made to fit certain bed sizes.
  • To know the ideal bed skirt size for you, measure the height of your box spring until the floor.
  • They come in various colors, but they have more options for standard bed sizes. If your bed has an unusual size, consider getting a customized version.
  • You can design your bed however you like, but the bed skirt is usually made to stand out. That means you can explore combining different bed pieces, and your bed would still look amazing.
  • It is a simple piece, but it could immediately improve the look of your bed.


Making your room more comfortable and exciting does not always have to be expensive. Sometimes, investing in bedding does the trick. Besides making your bed cute and stylish, a bed skirt offers warmth and dust-prevention that could be useful to people with allergies.

For your bed skirt needs, visit our bedding section at Legacy Decor. We have five designs for you to choose from, and they come in six colors. Aside from bed skirts, we also sell other furniture pieces, such as 3-panel room dividersand bar stools for your home. Start shopping now. 

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